Monday, March 30, 2009

30 March 09 update - birth portal, information empowers explained, household items


Hello Everybody

Thank you to the following contributors:

Arlene J, Dr Lara S, Bronwyn H, Marlene H, Frenske O, Jane and Sebastian D, Jo D., Nikki A, Sandy s, Sharon W, Heather M, The Anonymous Friends at The New Beginnings Clinic, Peter N., Rene G., Donna C and Michael P., Jennifer N., Anne W and Karen K.

Even the smallest amount of things can make the biggest difference; and you have enabled us to help many people who are in dire straits this month.

Births this month…..

During my visit to the clinic this morning [Monday, 30th March] there were 3 babies were born. Another mom and newborn came in with an ambulance – she had given birth in the ambulance to a beautiful boy. And there were a couple of moms-to-be in serious labour. The tally of babies born this month so far, before the ambulance arrived, was at 179. Tomorrow is the last day of the month and I can therefore say that 179 births is not accurate.

While standing in the labour room, with all this activity going on around me – the sisters and nursing staff explaining to the one mom that she’s not entirely dilated and, no, the baby can’t come out yet; the ambulance arriving with the baby and mom; the new arrivals [women who had gone into labour at home, or early]… the thought came to mind that this labour ward was like a portal: precious lives entering the world to embark on who knows what kind of future?

One can just take a deep breath and say thank you to the higher powers which guide us and lead us for our lives. We are privileged to be able to help other people.

Information empowers project

I need to clarify that the information empowers project runs separately from the Zoe Project – even though the people we want to reach are the same [poorer communities in the Cape Flats] and the people we work with are essentially the same [safe houses, baby houses and eventually, schools and so forth].

The Zoe Project currently is only concentrating on the Retreat Maternity Clinic and the clients who come through there. We are in contact with the safe houses and the baby houses because of the people who come to the Retreat Clinic for assistance. Tracey is also doing work with schools where the educators have found the need for pregnancy and pregnancy prevention education. This has been an ongoing thing.

We are also in touch with an organisation called ‘Turning Point’ – they work with women who are in prison and who have decided to keep their children with them. [These kids stay with their moms in prison until the age of 5.]

Information Empowers project started off 5 years ago as a research project for myself. I have been working on and off with it, but in the past year or so, have given it a more concentrated effort.

It is basically what the name says: the intention is to inform people so that they may be empowered to live a better life through knowledge – and it is about helping the children mostly. It is about prevention and awareness of child sexual abuse, teaching children and parents what danger signs to look for and what situations to avoid, what to do and where to go for help in any abusive situation and to teach children how to be safe.

Basic ‘good parenting’ education is added in the mix. It is an ongoing project and it is very exciting to know that one’s passion can be so rewarding.

It is funny how things can grow arms and legs… one starts off with a small project, and before you know it, it has subdivided and is no longer an amoeba; but rather an octopus driving a mini-van with 10 kids in the back.

I will keep you updated as to the progress of the information empowers project.

Unwanted Household items…

Should you have any unwanted, working household electrical appliances, linen, curtains, or good second hand clothes for women and children/babies – please let me know and I will collect them from your house and deliver to the safe house or baby house where they can use it. I would just like to ask that you ensure that all clothing is washed.

Thank you to everybody who have contributed so far. The people at Saartjie Baartman Centre and Place of Hope and Sisters’ Incorporated have been overwhelmed with the kind response I’ve had to my request.

Pass on the message…

Please continue to pass this information and my contact details on to your friends, colleagues and associates. The more people who know, the more people can help! Big things start small and you are doing something valuable and important by helping.

Please phone or email me should you need any information on either the Zoe Project or the information empowers project. I am always available to help.

Lots of love

The Zoe Project
Information empowers

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